Monday, April 4, 2011

Fresh is Best

So after unpacking my haul from Saturday, I wanted to dive right into some fresh veggies. The radishes that spoke to me at the market and convinced me that I needed them or my week would be ruined, where the inspiration behind my lunch-time salad.

Originally, I was going to do a simple radish salad. But then I thought of the lettuce and broccoli and other veggies I already had in my refrigerator, and turned it into a smorgasbord of crunch.

I also whipped up a quick dijon-based dressing. It was 50% mustard. Just the way I like it :)

Chopped veggie salad. 

Since I didn't have any cooked chicken or other protein, I added a hard-boiled egg.

Get Some!
Drizzled (heavily) with the dijon dressing, it was amazing. Crunchy and refreshing.

P.S. Am I the only one who accidentally drops chopped vegetables into my dressing when I'm making it? Just me?

Dressing (said in Homer Simpson "doughnut" voice)

Dijon Dressing

  • Dijon Mustard, 2 heaping TBSP
  • White Wine Vinegar, 4 TBSP
  • Olive Oil, 3 TBSP
  • Honey, 1 TSP
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste
  1. Mix all ingredients except for the Olive Oil into a small mixing bowl with a whisk. 
  2. While whisking, slowly add the olive oil in a slow stream and allow to incorporate into the dressing. 
  3. Taste and adjust to your own taste preferences.
Yah, this goes totally against the rules - usually it's a 2:1 olive oil to vinegar ration. Not for me.  I like my dressings on the vinegar-y side. And as I already mentioned, I like a lot of mustard. I could (and do) eat it by the spoonful. That's not weird. It's delicious.

Also, these measurements are approximated. I'm sure I never make it the same way twice. Feel free to play around with the proportions. The great thing about dressing is that it's easily amendable - too oily? Add some more vinegar! Need more flavor? More mustard! Adding pinch of salt is also extremely important - it really brings out the flavors.

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