Friday, February 11, 2011

I've Been Doing Things

I don't know where this week has gone. Somehow it's Friday. I know I was busy, but suddenly I can't really tell you with what I was so busy with. Hmm.... Too busy to think? I'll go with that.

Every Friday I work from home. Surprisingly it has become one of my most productive days. Today, my work from home station is the local Starbucks. I woke up this morning wanting an Iced Green Tea and so Starbucks it was. For some reason, they're always really good at here.

Must be something in the water.

When the barrista asked if I wanted to try the Trente size I laughed. Yah right! Now, 30 minutes later I have almost finished my iced tea...and I'm still thirsty. Hmmm... Is this a bandwagon I might end up jumping on after all?

I have some more food-related posts coming soon - recipes, restaurant visits, etc. AND watch out for my V-Day playlist! I'm not much of a Valentines Day gal, but I love music and I love playlists and I'll take any excuse to make one ;)

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